Below, I’ve compiled an ever-updated list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about recipes and other topics. Updates are made regularly to this page in order to answer questions I receive frequently via the comments or various correspondences.
Recipes & More
Why didn’t this recipe work for me?
I am not sure. All of the recipes on this site are tested several times (I am not kidding- some recipes have been tested a couple dozen times until they were perfect).
Because I am not in the kitchen with you, I couldn’t possibly tell you what went wrong. I wouldn’t know if you used the correct ingredients, if you over-cooked / baked a recipe, if your oven isn’t calibrated, if your ingredients were at room temperature, if you swapped baking soda for baking powder, or if you simply had a bad day in the kitchen, but what I can tell you is that all of the recipes written are meant to work for you.
Nothing on this site is “guestimated” Everything is measured to the T (or in this case, the gram, ounce, and cup). If a recipe doesn’t work for you, feel free to send me an email, I’ll be happy to help you figure out what went wrong.
Help! I need a recipe in grams / I don’t know what “sauté” means / I am trying to figure out how long these cookies will keep for.
Worry not, my friends, there’s an app for that. I am kidding. I’ve put together a page that will help you with most of your kitchen needs- conversions, kitchen essentials, a food dictionary, and much more.
Kamran, this may seem like a silly question, but what brands of flour do you when making the recipes on Sophisticated Gourmet?
There is no such thing as a silly question. I like to use King Arthur brand flour, unless specifically stated otherwise in a recipe.
Can I write about / use one of your recipes on my site?
Of course you can! The only thing I ask of you is to identify sophisticatedgourmet.com as the place where you originally found the recipe.
Blogging & Commenting
I have a blog / website. Can you link to it? Would you like to exchange links? Can you check out my site?
I apologize, but I do not accept requests to exchange links. If you have a new site and would like for me to check it out, I’d be glad to, just shoot me an email. Meanwhile, be sure to check out my blogroll, it contains a growing list of sites that I keep up with on a regular basis.
Can I link to your food blog?
Of course you can. I’d be honored if you did so!
Would you mind if I sent you an e-mail about a few grammatical mistakes that I saw on the site?
I wouldn’t mind at all. Please don’t be rude about it, though. I try not to make grammatical errors, but I am only human. An e-mail or a comment in a post would be nice.
Why didn’t you confirm my friend request on Facebook?
I only accept friend requests from people I know and speak to regularly, or people I have met in person. Any friend requests from strangers are left pending, or are ignored. But we can still get to know each other on Facebook- “Like” the site’s Facebook Page, and we can chat on there!
Why the did you delete my comment?
If there is any case that I delete anyone’s comment it is if someone is being inappropriate, spamming, or is leaving an anonymous comment. Vulgar language and hate commentary is not tolerated.
The Photographs
Who shoots the photos on Sophisticated Gourmet?
I take all of the photos on this site (yes, even the action shots with both of my hands in the photos), unless noted in the post.
What kind of camera do you use?
At the moment, I am using various Canon DSLR cameras equipped with Canon and Zeiss lenses and a medium-frame Fujifilm camera for all the photos and video shared on this site. I used to shoot with a Nikon D70s dSLR camera and a 50mm f/1.8 lens. Up until April 2010, all photos on this site were shot using a Canon PowerShot A550 point-and-shoot camera.
Kamran, your photography is awesome. Do you have a post that can help me better my photography?
At the moment, I do not, but if you’d be interested in a post of that nature, let me know and I’d be happy to share some thoughts.
Navigating the Site
How can I subscribe to get recipe updates? Do you have a newsletter subscription available?
In the Menu portion of the website, there is a link that will allow you to subscribe to the newsletter; it is sent out regularly with recipe updates.
Who designed your site?
I did. I coded and designed it from the bottom-up.
Are you for hire as a food writer / recipe developer / photographer?
I am for hire. If you’d like to work with me, please send an email to:
kamran [at] sophisticatedgourmet [dot] com
Is there any way to print a recipe?
Yes, there is. Within the recipe card of each post, there is a “Print” function available.
Is there a way for me to convert a recipe?
Yes, on this page.
Can I use something from your site, book, from your Flickr, Instagram, or other social media platforms on my site or in my magazine?
All of the content (including photos, text, etc.) on this site, my book, and on all social media platforms are protected by copyright. This means you may not copy or “borrow” anything from my site without my written permission. Please ask.
I am from a Magazine/Newspaper/Publishing Company/ News Station/Radio Station/Website, we would love to offer you a deal/ feature you /your site in our upcoming article/broadcast.
What an honor! I’d love that. Please send me an email with any questions / requests.
I am from a PR Company / I’d love if you could review our product(s) and host a possible giveaway. Can I email you and mail you our product?
Thank you, but I no longer do product reviews or giveaways. Feel free to email me if you think that you can change my mind, but please keep in mind that if you do not receive a reply within 72 hours of your email, please take this as a kind decline.
Will you answer my e-mail / comment? If so, when?
I try my very best to respond to all emails and comments that need answering within 72-hours of receiving them. If I receive any recipe-related questions via other platforms, sometimes it may take longer as it is impossible for me to keep up with correspondence on every social media platform, email, and comments on the site. I do try my very best to answer everyone promptly.
I have a question not on this list!
Awesome, send me an email using the contact form on this page, or send an email to:
kamran [at] sophisticatedgourmet [dot] com